Squeaky Clean Vinyl MK-III RCM 3D Printed Record Cleaner (Classic Black)
Squeaky Clean Vinyl MK-III RCM 3D Printed Record Cleaner (Classic Black)
Squeaky Clean Vinyl MK-III RCM 3D Printed Record Cleaner (Classic Black)
Squeaky Clean Vinyl MK-III RCM 3D Printed Record Cleaner (Classic Black)
Squeaky Clean Vinyl

Squeaky Clean Vinyl MK-III RCM 3D Printed Record Cleaner (Classic Black)

Regular price $155.00

Thousands of these have been sold and I'm very proud of this RCM

Google is my friend, as well as yours, so please search away and find out how popular this is for a fraction of the price of traditional RCM's  

The MK-III comes complete and ready to clean your records right out of the box. You just supply your choice of cleaning fluid and any shop-vac. 

I recommend something close to this formula for easy rinse free cleaning: https://londonjazzcollector.wordpress.com/for-audiophiles/home-brew-cleaner-for-vacuum-rcms/   You will receive 20ml of Ilfotol wetting agent, enough to clean hundreds of records, the other 2 ingredients, 99% alcohol and distilled water are available at your local drugstore. I include a syringe for easy and accurate mixing and application.

I include a velvet wet cleaning brush that I make here. I don't sell them separately as there are many great brushes on the market, I actually use 3" paint brushes myself as they allow much better fluid control. I also include a microfiber towel that I pre-wash and rinse to remove any possible lint. 

I created this system for myself from in order to deal with all the great but filthy dollar bin finds I pick up.  I was so pleased with the results that I decided to produce them for sale. 

 If you decide to purchase please know that I am always here to help you out and take the extra step in the customer service department. I design/test/make/assemble/pack/ship/ this product and use it myself everyday.


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